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Full list of keyword arguments

Here is the full list of keyword arguments (otherwise called KWARGS) that can be used along with netplotbrain.plot. Below they are split up in the following sections

  1. Node keyword arguments - modify the nodes.
  2. Edge keyword arguments - modify the edges.
  3. Template keyword arguments - modify the template.
  4. Highlighting keyword arguments - modify the highlighting.
  5. Connectivity matrix keyword arguments - modify the connectivity matrix.
  6. Template keyword arguments - modify the template.
  7. Legend keyword arguments - modify the figure legend.
  8. Arrow keyword arguments - modify the direction arrows.
  9. Figure keyword arguments - configure the figure as a whole.
  10. GIF keyword arguments - when exporting as a gif.
  11. Text keyword arguments - text related variables.
  12. Profile keyword arguments - setting a style profile for all keyword arguments.

Node keyword arguments

Argument Type Description
nodes_df pd.DataFrame Allows for passing additional edge information if nodes is nifti file or templateflow atlas dictionary. Behaves like nodes when input is dataframe.
node_cmap str Matplotlib colormap for node coloring when node_color points to a dataframe.
node_color matplotlib coloring Can be string (default 'black') that points to either a matplotlib color or a column in nodes or nodes_df. Alternatively a list of 3D/4D colors for each node.
node_type str Can be 'spheres', 'circles', or (if nodes is a nifti image) 'parcels'.
node_alpha float Specify the transparency of the nodes
node_columnnames list Node column names in node dataframe. 'auto' entails the columns are ['x', 'y', 'z'] (specifying coordinates)
node_sizevminvmax str, list Scaling alternatives if node_size is given. Alternatives: 'absolute' (default) 'minmax', or 2-tuple list of [min, max]. If minmax, node sizes are scaled between (0 and 1) * node_scale. If absolute, then the default values are used. Absolute can lead to problems with, for example, negative values.
node_colorvminvmax str, list Scales continuous colormap between certain values. Alternatives: 'minmax' (default), 'absmax', , or 2-tuple list of [min, max]. If minmax, colorbar starts at the smallest value to largest value. If absmax, then colorbar goes from -abs(max(value)) to abs(max(value)), ensuring 0 is in the middle.

EDGE keyword arguments

Argument Type Description
edges_df pd.DataFrame Allows for passing additional edge information if edges is np.array. Behaves like edges when input is dataframe.
edge_cmap str Matplotlib colormap for node coloring when node_color points to a dataframe.
edge_alpha float Transparency of edges (default: 1).
edgecolumnames list Edge columns names in edge dataframe. Default is i and j (specifying nodes).
edge_color matplotlib coloring Can be string (default 'black') or list of 3D/4D colors for each edge. Can also be a dictionary with keys positive and negative to denote two different colors for positive and negative edges.
edge_weights str String that specifies column in edge dataframe that contains weights. If numpy array is edge input, can be True (default) to specify edge weights.
edge_highlightbehaviour str Alternatives "both" or "any" or None. Governs edge dimming when highlight_nodes is on. If both, then highlights only edges between highlighted nodes. If any, then only edges connecting any of the nodes are highlighted.
edge_widthscale int, float Scale the width of all edges by a factor (default: 1).
edge_thresholddirection str can be "absabove", "above" (or ">"), "below" (or "<") to indicate thresholding behaviour. If absabove, then the thresholding behaviour is np.abs(edges) > edge_threshold.
edge_threshold float Edgeweight value to threshold edges.
edge_colorvminvmax str, list Scales colormap between certain values. Alternatives: 'minmax' (default), 'absmax', or 2-tuple list of [min, max]. If minmax, colorbar starts at the smallest value to largest value. If absmax, then colorbar goes from -abs(max(value)) to abs(max(value)), ensuring 0 is in the middle.

TEMPLATE keyword arguments

Argument Type Description
tempalte str, dict or nibabel nifti The background template. If str: path to nifti image, or templateflow template name (see in order to automatically download T1 template. If dict, specify keyword - value pairs for templateflow.api.get(). If specifying templateflow string, and there are multiple cohorts (e.g. MNIInfant) add "_cohort-X" to the string. For example, for MNIInfant, cohort 3, write: "MNIInfant_cohort-3".
template_alpha float Opacity of template voxels.
template_color str If template_style=='surface' or 'filled', the color of template voxels
templateedge_threshold float If template_style=='cloudy', can tweak the edges detection threshold. (Default: 0.7)
template_style str can be 'surface': (a surface is rendered from the template), 'glass': a semi-transparanet brain is generated from the template. 'filled': plot all voxels, 'cloudy': cloudy (cloudy scatter edges outline the figure)
template_voxelsize int Resize voxels this size. Larger voxels = quicker. (Default: 2)
surface_detection float The value used to detect the surface boundary (see argument level in marching_cubes). Some default choices are made for various templates
surface_resolution int If template_style=='surface' controls the size of the triangles used in the surface reconstruction. (Default: 2).
template_glass_compactness float Default 0.3. Compactness argument for skimage.segmentation.slic for segementation. Going lower will increase the detail. >1 will break the figure.
temlate_glass_nsegments int n_segments argument for skimage.segementations.slic. Approx number of segments. 3 seems to work well. Increase if not enough detail, reduce if too much detail.
template_glass_maxalpha float Default is 0.01. To make the smokey effect the alpha is relative to template intensity value This value sets the alpha scalar factor. The value will be the largest possible alpha value, where all other values scale between 0 and template_glass_max_alpha.

HIGHLIGHTING keyword arguments

highlight_level | float | Intensity of the highlighting (opposite of alpha). Controls both nods and edges together. Value between 0 and 1, if 1, non-highlighted nodes are fully transparent. If 0, non-highlighted nodes are same alpha level as highlighted nodes. Default 0.85.

See also node_highlight and edge_highlight keyword arguments.

Connectviity matrix keyword arguments

Argument Type Description
cm_border bool If true prints a border around the connectivity matrix. Default True.
cm_bordercolor str Matplotlib color for border around connectivity matrix. Default gray.
cm_borderwidth float Width of border around connectivity matrix. Default 0.5.
cm_boundary str Can be "auto" (default) or None. Plots a boundrary around communities in connectivity matrix. Auto behaviour defaults to node_color if specified.
cm_boundarywidth float Width of boundary around communities in connectivity matrix. Default 2.
cm_order Str Specify which variable to group and order nodes in connectivity matrix by. Default is "auto". Auto entails that if node_color is a column in the data and if cm_order is unspecified use node_color column. Otherwise if None will plot in list order.
cm_rotate Bool If True, rotates the connectivity matrix 45 degrees. Default True.
cm_vmin float Minimum value for connectivity matrix colormap. Default -1.
cm_vmax float Maximum value for connectivity matrix colormap. Default 1.

LEGENDkeyword arguments

Argument Type Description
legend_tick_fontsize str, int Matplotlib fontsize for title in figure legends
legend_title_fontsize str, int Matplotlib fontsize for ticks in figure legends
node_colorlegend Bool If the colorlegend is plotted or not. Default True.
node_sizelegend Bool If the sizelegend is plotted or not. Default True.
node_colorlegendstyle str Alternatives: auto (default), discrete, continuous. If the color legend should show the entire colormap or discrete colors. If auto, plots discrete if less than 8 unique values are detected.
showlegend bool, list If size or colour have been set, generates a legend for that property at bottom of figure. If True, plots all the legends that can be plotted. If list, can contain 'node_size' and 'node_color' to plot those in the legend.
legend_span list Range of subplot columns for the legend to span.

ARROW keyword arguments

Argument Type Description
arrowaxis list or str Adds axis arrows onto plot. Alternatives are: LR, AP, SI, 'all'
arrowlength int, float Length of arrow
arroworigin list x,y,z coordinates of arrowaxis. Note 0,0,0 is bottom left.

FIGURE keyword arguments

Argument Type Description
ax matplotlib 3D ax fig = plt.figure(). ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d'). netplotbrain.plot(ax, ...)
fig matplotlib figure
savename str Save path for figure. If string ends with .png or .svg it will one save this figure. if the path ends with anything else, it will save both a .png and .svg figure. Default: None and nothing is saved.
figdpi int 300 Default. Resolution of figure when saving png files.

HEMISPHERE keyword arguments

Argument Type Description
hemisphere string, list If string, can be left or right to specify single hemisphere to include. If list, should match the size of views and contain strings to specify hemisphere shown in subplots. Can be abbreviated to "L", "R" and ("both" or empty string possible if both hemisphere plotted). Between hemisphere edges are deleted.

GIF keyword arguments

Argument Type Description
gif bool If true, saves views as a gif.
gif_duration int Gif duration in milliseconds
gif_loop int How many times to loop figure. 0 (default) entails infinite loop.

TEXT keyword arguments

Argument Type Description
font str font for all text in figure.
fontcolor str, list, tuple font color for all text in figure
title_fontsize str Size of title font (default: medium). See matplotlib "fontsize"
titleloc str, Location of title (default: center). See matplotlib "loc"
title_weight str Font weight of title (default: regular). See matplotlib "fontweight"

Other keyword arguments

Argument Type Description
seed int Pseudorandom integer seed for reproducibility for certain functions (e.g. spring_layout)
profile str path or name of file in netplotbrain/profiles/.json, specifies default keyword arguments. Default points to netplotbrain/profiles/default.json